I think the universe is swathed in mystery, with a capital “M.” And if we think it is faith’s job to remove all mystery—hence if “mystery persists,” that’s proof we have a “lack of faith”—oh my! We are living in a fantasy world. Mystery always remains.
But we do have different mysteries. Every man and every woman chooses not merely what they will believe, but also which mysteries they are willing to live with.
The Christian, for example, chooses to live with the mystery of why we are born on a restless planet with earthquakes, floods, and famine. And why we live in a world with so much suffering, why the good die young, why endless troubles afflict some people but not others, and why Jesus didn’t return as soon as he prophesied he would, and so on.
I appreciate the humility in this piece; Bolles is more circumspect that the stereotypical evangelical apologist who's sure that the evidence points unmistakably toward evangelical Christianity and that those who reject this evidence do so out of willful rebellion against their creator, thereby subjecting themselves to eternal damnation.